

Ted Choi

SunShine Solutions John really give us a different view of point for advertising, his low cost high traffic solution gives us really a big raise of our website and online advertising, excellent!!

Phemey Pon,

通天密碼 2, page 108
後來,我發覺 的收生速度減慢,只好重新出發,再找尋有效宣傳 的方法。在一次偶然的機會下,由於參加了百本醫護 CEO Jacky Kwan 的上市慶功宴,Jacky 介紹了搞網上宣傳非常了得的 John 讓我認識,John 的收費雖然昂貴,但我了解到「小財唔出,大財唔入」的道理,適當的投入也是合理的,我也相信用免費 Facebook Fan Page 已產生非常好的宣傳效果,如果再找專家幫手宣傳的話,一定幫我的生意更上一層樓。
用了 John 的服務後,我在網上的宣傳便舖天蓋地,只要曾經瀏覽過 的人,以後當他再瀏覽其他網址,都會被我的廣告追蹤,都會見到我的廣告,如影隨形。
與此同時,我也會找專人拍一段廣告短片,宣傳我及一班助教,這廣告主要會在我成立的 YouTube 播放,當然也會在其他網站曝光。

CM Chow,

On the biggest Macau portal site, John inputted a lot of ideas and creative into the whole projects, he can well balance on the online marketing and art point of view. he manged the site and company smoothly, clear direction and keeping beyond.

Winnie Kong

我的行業是手錶零件制造商, 主要希望拓展業務, 課程令我知道多啲銷售技巧及常識, 與客戶溝通絕對有用.

Janice Chan

很受用的 course, 物超所值.

Dennis Tam,

You are always a pioneer !!!!! Good with instinct!!! ????

Emerson Lai,

Thank you so much for your smart work. I learn a lot just from observing your work attitude. You inspire me with your passion to your objectives.

Kent Chan,

An impressive workshop. I am a SEO internet marketing worker. I have attended John Lui’s workshop and he let us know so much about Google Advertising. It is totally different than what I learnt before. Google Advertising is a REAL marketing method to promote anything to anywhere! He is a real expert. Thanks John!


29/4/2011 網上推廣全包圍, 營商好 Easy 工作坊 (第一班)

Kevin Nunley,

At a time when business is booming between North America and China, John Lui is the only Internet marketing expert who is supremely qualified to bridge both business and cultural worlds.

Emerson Lai,

John gave no-nonsense e-marketing expert advices to our company. He knows ins and outs of e-marketing. He delivers results beyond our expectations. He drinks a lot of beers and flows a lot of creative ideas. He works round the clock and replies every e-mail really fast. I don’t recommend John to my competitors but my friends.

百寶庫 Donatus Leung

My company have been searching for a trustworthy digital marketing service provider for a long time, most service providers lack transparency and very budget oriented. John is capable of providing result oriented emarketing strategies in a efficient and effective manner, highly recommended!

屯門區婦女會, 就業服務經理 陳達源先生


當我參加這個課程時, 我祈望了解網上與傳統生意在營銷方面不同之處◦ 在課程中, 呂先生協助我了解到兩者的異同, 使我對此二者作出整合, 特別關於網上生意的運作有了一定的了解◦


在課堂上, 呂先生為我們介紹了不少非常實用的網站及營銷的流程, 對於網上營銷有很大的幫助◦


另一方面, 在個別諮詢環節中, 亦能配合個別行業的需要, 給予適切中肯的意見◦ 對於開展業務的朋友來說, 呂先生是一個很好的顧問及伙伴◦ 因此, 我極力推介這個網上營銷課程◦

Kent Chan

Sunshine Solutions create the attractive banner, more people knowing my iPhone business, more click rate to my website with reasonable marketing promotion costs. Brilliant! Felix Yu

John is extremely knowledgeable and truly an expert in online ads. He is also very patient, helpful, and responsive to customers’ needs. I would recommend him to anyone who wants to increase the online presence of their businesses.

May Ho, 沙田

課程非常實用, 獲益良多, 非常之有用.

Virginia Lam, Online Marketer

Hi John,


Carmen has sent your contact to me earlier and it’s great to finally meet you at today’s seminar at Productivity Council!


Ever since we have been to the official Google Adwords training last year, your seminar has shared the most valuable know-hows on Google Adwords and other Google marketing tools. Though it is designed for new users, we have been impressed by your sharings on less-common features of Adwords (like YouTube promoted vids, pay per click extendable vid ads, in-stream ads with that “banner-implanted-in-TVB’s-video” example, Wow!), and of course the performance of your own campaigns is also super inspiring. We definitely had a hard time stopping ourselves from throwing way too many questions to you!


We will definitely recommend your service to those around. All the best to your online marketing consultancy and training business!

Joyce Fu

Sunshine Solutions provides excellent online marketing services, they generate million of traffics to my website by banner + text adverts at a very low cost. They are also the only one who can create YouTube creatives. Thank you so much!

Kevin She, – CEO SC Storage 時昌迷你倉


時昌迷你倉 x (Video Testimonial)


Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, On Time


I hired John to improved our Emarketing performance because i hear that he is the best in the google marketing industry. I am impress at the overhaul that he has done to my adword and display network campaign, and my Cost per Click has gone down more than 25%, and my conversion rate has gone up! John’s fee is reasonable, and his delivery of the service is very very quick. I will definitely recommend him to others….

幾年前John已幫我店做網上推廣;生意一直增長。最近John 再協助更新强勁的推廣; 絕對相信他的專業;相信短時間內生意將會捷捷上升;再創高峰;值得推薦給朋友。

Semannia Luk

Highly-Efficient and Professional Internet Marketing Expert – John maximises the exposure of our business message through the power of Google Advertising. A real pro in Internet Marketing!


29/4/2011 網上推廣全包圍, 營商好 Easy 工作坊 (第一班)

Esther Ng

多謝John Lui來探訪,佢每次都來支持!祝佢新project事必通蒸蒸日上!他是我欣賞的創業家,講得出,做得到,勇於挑戰!

Mr Chan

經過今次課程, 令我了解香港網上生意大有可為.

Vince Chan CPA CFA

Top Qualities: Personable, On Time, High Integrity


John has impressed me with his responsiveness, friendliness and professionalism. Nice to have worked with him!

David Choy

John offers exception insights into both Internet technologies and Internet’s roles in marketing. He has very broad knowledge in many business and industries, John knows exactly what to do to turn around a company – improvements in offline strategies as well as strengthening online marketing and other value added concepts in today’s competitive business environment. I have no doubt to recommend John’s Internet Marketing Consulting services to anyone I know, the benefits are immediate.

Ashley Steinhausen

John is a true expert in brand building on the Internet. His knowledge is formidable and customer service is second to none. Great guy to work with. I recommend him to anyone except my competitors!!

Smith Lu, TaiWan

呂志光先生 John Lui 是全球第ㄧ華人 Google partner, 對 Google campaign 非常厲害,我透過香港最大的時昌迷你倉 SC storage 創辦人 Kevin Shee 介紹,才認識 John Lui. 非常推薦他給有需要 Google 或 Bing 關鍵字操作的朋友。
Smith Lu
Founder and Managing Director 台北迷你倉

Jay Lam

John is a very good salesman & talented online marketer.He always predict the market trend correctly and apply it to his clients.

He know the market need and then targeting customers for his clients with the google display network. I think it is the reason why he would help clients including i Dance to deliver the best result.

I sincerely recommend him to the company which has a great products and service to introduce to their clients.

Rick Montague

John is a versatile business person. He eagerly takes on new challenges and makes the most of them. His broad knowledge of the Internet allows him to think outside the box to come up with creative and effective solutions. Jane Weng Ching

John is a professional digital marketer. My biz grow after using his service.

Ronny Shek

專業服務, 優良系統

John provides marvelous brand building skills and knowledge, expert in internet marketing. Generate thousands of traffics to my website and double my sales volume. Thank you John!

Peggy Hau

I have just completed your course. It is a good course that I get more about the internet business. And there is no similar course on the market. It is very useful.

Shackie Chan

Dear John,


I think you really did a great job, this money is worth to pay.

Amy Lau, OneMBA, CUHK

Hi John, not at all, you contribute your intelligence to our program, you deserve it. Any creative ideas, please let us know

David Yim

Wonderful Service


您好! 本人剛於這星期完成第九班超實用課程後,覺得真係好正! 由於本人是一名銀行職員,工作也頗緊張,想找出路轉行,但也沒頭緒。因本人有家庭負擔,且資金有限,所以需要份較穩定之工作,現本人有一個創業構思,但未知是否可行。



但我其實對於XXX的知識有限,您會否覺得我不應於這時間創業呢? 以上是本人這星期不斷思考的問題,我知道自己只是一名阿太,什麼也不懂。但上完您的課,我覺得可以嘗試下。感謝 您用寶貴的時間看這些問題,亦感謝 您給我解答這煩瑣的問題!

Cherrie Chong

Sunshine Solutions products really helpful, convenient, time and cost saving. It increase more peoples to recognize my website and my product and service. Thanks.

David Choy,

Hi John,

Your 「超實用」programme with BOSSible on 27th & 28th Nov was superb! All aspects of your talk ‘get to the point’, this is rare in the market, as lots of ‘experts’ simply read out a collection of data from books or the Internet! Your great selling point is to share your real experience to help others. I have read your interview by the HK Economic Times on 30th Nov.


You probably would remember me – the talkative guy running some unsuccessful tutorial school businesses in Belvedere Garden, Tsuen Wan. In fact, I got 2 centres in the same shopping complex – one’s financial performance is struggling round the break-even point and the other one is way below the margin. As a result, I suffered from psychiatric disturbances and fortunately, with doctor’s certification, the Landlord will consider finding a replacement tenant for the bottom one. The better one’s leasing term will expire soon. Thank goodness!


My advise to business startups first-timers (創業初哥),renting a shop without thinking twice, three times, four times, etc.. is committing mental suicide!! Some money-hungry property agents and fly-by-night business consultants only tell you the most optimistic forecast but not the average or worst scenario, that’s their tool of the trade of getting commission paid! If you really have to rent a shop, economic and business forecast aren’t sufficient, other crucial factors including the owner’s character and soft skills as well, e.g. some customers prefer communicating with certain type of owner-managers, especially in education.


I agree with you to a very large extent that especially in this Knowledge Century and a services based economy, the Internet has long become the ‘Shop Front’ for all business sectors. From my own experience, I purchase cinema tickets on the Internet, search for products before buying at site, and even looked for 2nd hand cars through popular car sites. Our geography makes an ideal setting for e-business. For most non-product selling services, you don’t pay over the Internet anyway, but the Internet’s main use to to attract customers and deliver the right message, i.e. what you point out “Able to Sell”.


If one’s psychology tells an office is a must, it’s best to start with business centre in good locations as ‘official address only’, more comfortable to work at home!! If one really need an office for admin and paper work, then do research and look for some cheap small ones in Sheung Wan, North Point, etc. But again, great majority of customers never visit the office.


However, to be more efficient, I agree there are lots to be done to improve hit rates, key words, etc. For every business community today, ‘networking’ is vital even with or without any immediate business intentions. If you drop in the pub in Wanchai or LKF, give me a call.


Kevin She, – CEO SC Storage 時昌迷你倉

“Great Macau Marketing Service- we hired john to increase our macau marketing effort, the results are great. Our storage went from 30% occupancy to 100% full in a matter of month! Very impressed.”

teach me how and i do it..

Opentour 開團 Ben Wong

Professional Services! John is the real Expert in online marketing. He knows the hidden information in web and he can provide proper solutions to companies go online smoothly.

Joyce Lam, 屯門

講者演繹非常生動, 内容十分充實和實用, 物超所值.

Emersion Lai,

John is a REAL professional in e-marketing.


29/4/2011 網上推廣全包圍, 營商好 Easy 工作坊 (第一班)


Google 推廣全攻略

大灣區投資王 Jason Ching

The most experienced marketing guy I have seen in HK.

帳篷皇 Sky Chan

John Lui is really passionate and a true believer of digital marketing

M M Lee, North Point

Well done, I enjoy a lot, John, Thanks. Course is very practical.
John is very great and he was able to share some useful site and business ideas with us.

Hades Kong

Very professional AdWords optimization service. Helpful and friendly. Highly recommend!

Queenie Li

Hi John,


I went to your seminar last Friday and found it very useful.
Can you please kindly send me the webpage with the varies links that can help with online marketing?


Our company has a Google adwords campaign in HK and partner site ad in Korea through a service provider but the result is not satisfying.
We may contact you for further consultation soon.

Stanley Suen, ex-SCMP Director of Recruitment Services

John is very knowledgeable on Google’s products. He is really passionate and a true believer of digital marketing & promotion. With so many projects completed he has practical real life business experiences. In my projects, he has spent time in understanding my business model and also provided ideas and recommendation beyond just posting ad.


Google 工作坊 (演講廳)

Elyse Ma, Happy Valley

+++ A great seminar on internet business for beginner. I am pleased to join this class.

Amy Lau, OneMBA, CUHK

John did offer fantastic Google Internet Marketing Solutions to our global EMBA program. The campaign achieved outstanding results which beyond our expectation. I have not hestitation to recommend his services to everyone.

Annie Yau

在我創業期間阿John給我很大的支持, 他帶領我把創業的前期工作做好, 在生意推出市場的第一天已接到生意, 我好開心.

Dion Lau

Dear Mr Lui,

I would like to say thanks to you. Though we do not have a chance to cooperate so far, but I have just set up my own business in travel field after your free consultation service. Thank you very much indeed.

所有網站連結: 全球第一華人 Google Partner
😇, 世界級互聯網推廣服務

John Lui,
wechat : johnluiHK

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