Emojibb.digital Launched

Emojibb.com Launched

Learning eCommerce in Singapore

除了傳統實體生意互聯網化, 電子商務 Online Shop 也好有經驗, 歡迎查詢!

一次通過9個 Google 認證

Interview with Toronto A1 Chinese Radio.

Today we have our first Hall of Famer representing Hong Kong! A big round of applause for the formidable one man agency +John Lui!
Tell us about yourself
I am a Partner Academy trainer, running a one man business. I ran 45 public seminars for Google in 2012 & 2013 and have over 200 banner profiles on my site johnlui.com.
Your online marketing edge:
Online marketing is not IT. A good online marketer need marketing sense and business sense. I am very strong on both. I was a programmer 20 years ago. After immigrant to Canada, I did sales, marketing & business. All make today’s John Lui. I am also very good in presentation skill. I put few presentation on youtube. Feel free to check. http://youtube.com/johnluidotcom
Your proudest moments in the business:
I am the first Chinese who pass all FIVE Google marketing exam in the world – that was 2010. Went Google Singapore in Jun 2013 and become Partner Academy Trainer. I’ve also been to Mountain View for Adwords Community Summit in October 2014.
Your career and life ambitions:
Being a Google Consultant as my life long career. I am happy to able to use my skill to help small business while making a good living too. Other then setting up campaign and generate business for others, my next step is to use my skill to buy/sell/rent property and aeroplanes for myself. I will get my pilot license next year….^^

Quick meeting with my US business partner @ Orlando Airport, Florida. Return to Toronto at the same evening. Including transit flights, I flied on 4 different flights today. It is my new record.

Google Adwords Community Summit 2014
Google Adwords 社區高峰會議 2014
@ Google Headquarters – Mt View, CA.

Completed Video Marketing Exam on the same day.

Analytics Certification from Google Partner site.

Adwords Certification launched today!

Early Qualified for Google Partners All-Stars Competition on 5 June (Competiton end on 13 July, 2014) .
Googleplex Trip Details

HKTDC Market / Service Supplements
World SME Services Jun 2014
Perfect Online
Promotion 神通廣大

互聯網推廣顧問 johnlui.com 創辦人呂志光表示,傳統宣傳工具如巴士、的士廣告等,已很難精準地找到目標客群,但選用了 Google Analytics 工具後,可讓商家仔細掌握目標客人的年齡等資料,在制定廣告設計時,更能迎合需求。他們曾為一家纖體公司制定網上宣傳計劃,令到遠至北京、上海、廣州的潛在客戶,也能看到該公司的最新服務資訊,由於效果理想,據悉對方已減少傳統媒體的宣傳比例。

Conducted my first English Interview with HKTDC. 英文講座就試過幾次, 英文 Interview 都係第一次. 六月出街!!!

Federation of Hong Kong Industries 香港工業總會

Google Analytics Platform Principles

Attend Amazon Web Services AWSome Day Training in Hong Kong. I am AWS customer.

Retake “Bing Ad Accredited Professional” again and get a pass. My first test was in 2010.

全球互聯網推廣神人 David Booth 竟然在我 LinkedIn Profile Endorse 我 “Online Marketing”, 真係有驚喜.

“Booking Portal” 今日推出, 全球 Google Program Manager 可以睇到我 Profile,
再邀請我跟當地分銷商 (Engage Agencies) 分享 Google 推廣心得

2013年5月, Google 邀請全球 150位 Top Trainer 到 5 個國家 (USA, Argentina, Singapore, Poland, London) 參加 “Train The Trainer” Event, 從中再挑選數十位 “精英中精英” 為全球分銷商進行 Google Analytics™ 及 Google AdWords™ 培訓. John 是全球唯一成為首批 “Google Engage Regional Trainer” 的華人(全球第一華人 Regional Trainer); 他會被邀到其他國家, 協助提升當地分銷商 (Engage Agencies) 對 Google 推廣策略 (Marketing Strategies) 的知識及技巧.

Completed 3 Google Advanced Exam on the same day. (total 303 MC Questions)

Federation of Hong Kong Industries 香港工業總會

Blog Post “John Lui 教你活用 Google Adwords, Google Analytics”

AmCham 美國商會 Presentation

於美國及全世界發行的 Press Release
Chinese Marketer With Ties to North America Helps Hong Kong Businesses Reach Customers in the West
John Lui’s marketing seminars are packed as businessmen strive to overcome language and technology hurdles.
Hong Kong — John Lui stands before a packed room filled with business men and women in his central Hong Kong meeting room. His message is a familiar one: reach customers through Facebook, smart Google advertising, and cutting-edge Google PPC techniques.
In a time where constantly rising Chinese profits are linked to reaching customers around the world in vastly different cultures, Mr. Lui’s insights are invaluable.
“Before returning to Hong Kong to help businesses here, I spent many years running a successful online marketing business in Canada where I helped auto dealers coast-to-coast,” Mr. Lui said.
Lui speaks fluent English and Chinese and was the world’s first Chinese professional to pass five Google Internet Marketing Exams (Analytics, Adwords Fundamentals, and 3 Advanced Exams) and a Microsoft Advertising Exam.
Along with SEM and text ads, Lui specializes in effective flash banner and YouTube Channel design, remarketing, traffic analysis (Google Analytics), campaign optimization and email marketing. His strength is to set up a powerful strategic online campaign that delivers outstanding business results at the lowest possible marketing cost.
“I give my clients in Hong Kong a complete online marketing package similar to what they might have if they were based in New York or Toronto,” Lui said.
China’s economy has set itself apart as one of the world’s fastest growing, even during a long recession. Business owners and managers are well aware they can drive profits even higher with up to date Internet marketing.
“My clients and seminar attendees come to get quick expertise in emerging technologies. My mobile, display and YouTube marketing campaigns are among the best, giving businesses worldwide access to this influential and innovative promotion medium,” Lui said.
Inside China there are strong trends toward greater public use of the Internet. As Chinese citizens rise in affluence, online marketing becomes even more important for local business owners.
“Once I have a solid Google pay-per-click campaign in place, have a strong Youtube and mobile campaign going, and help the business position its message properly, businesses are seeing impressive increases in customers and sales,” Lui said.
See John Lui’s Global Internet Marketing site at https://johnlui.com .
Contact: John Lui
HK Mobile, WhatsApp, Viber: +852 9148-9308

HK BNI Abundance 十分鐘 Presentation 後送出 iPad2 及 USB 手指

10月28日香港中小企業商會, 分享 “港品牌、拓内銷” 網上推廣策略

澳門濠江青年商會 “網上創業 NET 人講”

FACE – “創業通”專家意見

FACE – e-marketing 好緊要


招職 – 掌握成功網上營商之道

New Monday - e+創業秘笈

星島日報 - 網上創業做補習天王