John Lui, Global Digital Marketing & Analytics Expert
Speaking the language of effective marketing in English & Chinese
“Digital marketing is about so much more than search advertising. It’s about up-to-the-minute business savvy and the ability to leverage emerging technologies before your competition does.” – John Lui
Internationally recognized Digital Marketing & Analytics Consultant John Lui is known for strategic online campaigns that deliver what every company must have in order to succeed:
Superior business growth results
at the lowest possible marketing cost
What John Lui Can Do
John Lui’s efforts give his clients unstoppable global access to the most influential promotional medium the world has ever known. His mobile, display, and video marketing campaigns are among the Internet’s most effective. When clients invest in proven advertising such as Google AdWords, Yahoo/Bing, Facebook, YouTube, and Baidu, they enjoy
A superior ROI on marketing dollars
measurable increases in sales and profits
These strategies represent just a small sample of what Mr. Lui uses to achieve market dominance for his clients.
John Lui has the insight and experience to create a perfectly balanced program of effective digital strategies. He is also aware that China website speed has been frustrating many business owners for years. Speed can be a HUGE obstacle to companies seeking to expand their business to China through an online platform. Mr. Lui knows just what to do to hurdle that obstacle and clear the road for profitable business communication.
With his market awareness and bilingual ability, John Lui is able to offer a simple, effective, bottom-line-focused solution to solve this common problem.
Website Tune-Ups & High-Speed Marketing Success
John Lui is a subject master expert, himself, with a reputation for digitally attracting, holding, and converting prospects. With his help, success-minded business can easily and quickly fine tune their failing marketing program and immediately enjoy
Time is in short supply for business owners who need to get their marketing messages out in order to profit. Fortunately, “quick learner,” “fast-paced,” and “highly disciplined” are some of the phrases that clients and colleagues use to describe marketing expert John Lui.
John Lui’s Invaluable Bi-Lingual Perspective from the Frontlines of Online Marketing
Lui was born to market. At an early age, he recognized that his strengths and enthusiasm were for business, not academia. For the past 20 years, however, this one-time reluctant student has been a star pupil. He has applied himself to learning business and life lessons from the frontlines of commerce. This has earned what he calls “the real street fighting experiences” that make his work in digital marketing so effective.
Mr. Lui is the world’s first Chinese professional to pass five Google Internet Marketing Exams. Fluent in both English and Chinese, he was a certified trainer for the Google Partner Academy, which had less than 70 peoples qualified in 2013. He credits the experience with giving him his expertise in all features and aspects of Google Analytics, including implementation, analysis best practices, and troubleshooting.
In 2002, when Internet marketing was still in its infancy, Mr. Lui launched, the Internet’s one of the first regionally specific automotive marketplaces. It was designed exclusively for a national Canadian audience. He was keenly aware of the profit potential of effective online marketing, but struggled initially to educate his prospective clients to the value of his services.
Today, he proudly shares all his work, photo and videos from those early years, as well as new achievements on his website and his YouTube and YouKu Video Channels.
The bottom line is this:
John Lui provides digital marketing with proven results
In Hong Kong, China, U.S., and around the world
聚利引擎 網絡推廣先行者
聚利引擎現在的主要業務是爲中小企業提供全方位的網絡推廣服務,並藉助Google的分析工具(Google Analytics)追蹤用戶搜索數據,更爲精準地投放網絡廣告。聚利引擎的創始人呂志光(John Lui)是數字營銷 (Digital Marketing) 與分析 (Analytics)方面的專家。John從二〇〇五年起已在香港開班講課,二〇一一年至二〇一三年還曾代表Google香港講了四十五場課。
其次,網上推廣具有高度靈活性。在小巴、巴士、電視投放廣告,往往需要簽訂一年半載的合同,互聯網廣告客戶則可根據效果隨時調整預算,及在各個渠道投放的比例,客戶只要登錄自己的Google Analytics後台,便可隨時監控,快速做出調整。價格方面亦有許多檔位可以選擇,豐儉由人,總體而言因投放廣告成本低,網絡推廣比傳統推廣更為經濟。與此同時,網絡廣告投放的版本也靈活多變。例如,某家律師事務所做線上推廣,根據用戶搜索關鍵字分析,發現目標客戶的需求不同,有的是需要公正文書,有的需要移民服務,有的需要債務重組咨詢。網絡推廣可實現製作不同版本的廣告投向不同的目標客戶,這也是傳統推廣做不到的。
聚利引擎亦具有互聯網的開放精神,據John介紹,聚利的收費標準均公開透明,幫客戶設立Google Analytics帳戶後,客戶可自行登錄查看推廣效果,聚利並不擔心客源流失,事實上絕大部分客戶都會選擇繼續消費。現在,客戶已經愈來愈多,聚利的業務範圍也拓展至香港以外。
在內地,百度是使用率最高的搜索引擎,爲了更好瞭解內地網絡營銷環境,目前聚利已經可以把百度和 Google Analytics 連在一起運用,也是世界第一和唯一在目前能掌握這技術的公司。另外,聚利近來亦加大了自身品牌打造力度,例如,設計了一款名為聚利熊的公仔,希望更多人可以透過此卡通形象記住聚利引擎,瞭解互聯網推廣。包括今次獲得Capital Weekly智選品牌大獎,John的心願也是借獲獎機會,讓更多的企業認識到互聯網推廣的價值。